Make your sharing widget!

Sharrre is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create nice widgets sharing for Facebook,
Twitter, Google Plus (with PHP script) and more.

Create your own sharing buttons

All sharing buttons are different, with Sharrre you can create uniform buttons to integrate with your designs.

Improve your loading page

With Sharrre, the API buttons are called on demand and once, regardless of how many buttons you have.

Google Plus - Facebook - Twitter - Digg - Delicious - StumbleUpon - Linkedin - Pinterest -Google Analytics tracking - Improve loading page - Highly configurable - Highly personalizable - 3.9KB


Download the latest version of Sharrre plugin.


If you experience any problems with bugs or requests, please go to the official Sharrre webpage at Github ›

You can also follow Sharrre on twitter and be notified of new Sharrre version releases:


Browser support

Sharrre is tested and supported in major modern browsers like Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Firefox.

Tested and supported in Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Firefox

Simple integration

<div id="demo1" data-url="" data-text="Make your sharing widget with Sharrre (jQuery Plugin)" data-title="share"></div>
  share: {
    googlePlus: true,
    facebook: true,
    twitter: true
  buttons: {
    googlePlus: {size: 'tall', annotation:'bubble'},
    facebook: {layout: 'box_count'},
    twitter: {count: 'vertical', via: '_JulienH'}
  hover: function(api, options){
  hide: function(api, options){
  enableTracking: true
.sharrre .box{
.sharrre .count {
  padding:4px 0;
.sharrre .share {
.sharrre .buttons {
.sharrre .button {

More examples

If you have some ideas to create examples, email me at

Using Sharrre

  share: {
    googlePlus: true,
    facebook: true,
    twitter: true
  url: ''

Info With jQuery 1.7 or higher.


Name type default description
className string 'sharrre' css class name
share function [default]

activate social counter, see default:

  share: {
    googlePlus: false,
    facebook: false,
    twitter: false,
    digg: false,
    delicious: false,
    stumbleupon: false,
    linkedin: false,
    pinterest: false

You can choose order of buttons, you just need to put social name in the order that you want

template string '' if you need to personalize renderer template (see example 2)
title string '' attribute for title text
url string document.location.href attribute for url
text string document.title attribute for text to use with sharing buttons
urlCurl string 'sharrre.php' location of your PHP script for Google Plus, Stumbleupon, Pinterest until find other solution (thanks Google!), set to empty string if you want to use Google Plus button without counter
count function {} attribute for retrieving the counter by social network, see example 4
total number 0 attribute with total number of sharing
shorterTotal boolean true format number like 1.2k or 5M
enableHover boolean true allows the sharing buttons
enableCounter boolean true you can disable the counter, see example 5
enableTracking boolean false allows tracking social interaction with Google Analytics
hover function {} function for personalize hover event
hide function {} function for personalize hide event
click function {} function for personalize click event
render function {} function for personalize render event
buttons function [default]

personalize social network buttons (enableHover must be true), see default and example 3:

googlePlus : {  //
  url: '',  //if you need to personnalize button url
  size: 'medium',
  lang: 'en-US',
  annotation: ''
facebook: { //
  url: '',  //if you need to personalize url button
  action: 'like',
  layout: 'button_count',
  width: '',
  send: 'false',
  faces: 'false',
  colorscheme: '',
  font: '',
  lang: 'en_US'
twitter: {  //
  url: '',  //if you need to personalize url button
  count: 'horizontal',
  via: '',
  hashtags: '',
  related: '',
  lang: 'en'
digg: { //
  url: '',  //if you need to personalize url button
  type: 'DiggCompact'
delicious: {
  url: '',  //if you need to personalize url button
  size: 'medium' //medium or tall
stumbleupon: {  //
  url: '',  //if you need to personalize url button
  layout: '1'
linkedin: {  //
  url: '',  //if you need to personalize url button
  counter: ''
pinterest: { //
  url: '',  //if you need to personalize url button
  media: '',
  description: '',
  layout: 'horizontal'



Open popup for social network and add tracking if it enable.

click: function(api, options){


Ssimulate a click when you use personalize click event, see example 1.

click: function(api, options){


Template by default.

<div class="box"><a class="count" href="#">{total}</a><a class="share" href="#">Your title</a></div>

v1.3.4 (10/24/2012)

  • Add some github modifications (thanks to github users!)

v1.3.3 (09/03/2012)

  • Fixed a problem with Google+ confirm dialog blank (thanks to github users!)

v1.3.2 (04/05/2012)

  • 05/29/2012: Fixed a problem with Pinterest on sharrre.php (thanks to @drwlrsn)
  • Fixed a render problem with Facebook button

v1.3.1 (03/15/2012)

  • Fixed title problem with "+" character
  • Fixed Google+ counter when the count is greater than 1k
  • Fixed render method when json request completes with an error

v1.3.0 (03/05/2012)

  • Added Pinterest (with PHP script) buttons
  • Add some optimisation on PHP script (thanks to Evan Jacobs)
  • Fixed Stumbleupon loading
  • Fixed some little bugs

v1.2.0 (01/17/2012)

  • Added StumbleUpon (with PHP script) buttons
  • Added Linkedin buttons
  • You can now choose order of buttons
  • New method to add +1 when you use personalize click event (see example 1)
  • Add hashtags option for Twitter (thanks @acostes)
  • Fixed background color for Delicious buttons

v1.1.0 (12/14/2011)

  • New Delicious buttons
  • Added Google Analytics tracking, you can track Google +1, Facebook (like, unlike...), Tweets, Digg and Delicious
  • HTML5 data support for url, title and text
  • Added enableCounter option
  • Fixed via option for Twitter
  • Added default for text (title web page)
  • If you want/can't use PHP script but you want Google Plus button, you can put urlCurl to empty string
  • New method to open popup for each social network in click, hover... function: api.openPopup() (see example 1, 2 and 6)
  • New option for each social network to personalize URL button

v1.0.0 (11/29/2011)

  • Initial release